Gracyn Freiling, GKC Winner
We hope you can join us for some or all of the Senior Thesis Presentations in the school’s Lyceum beginning on Monday, May 10. Click here for the 2021 Senior Thesis Presentation Schedule.
The senior thesis is a dissertation in which the student advances an original point of view, typically on a controversial topic. Seniors begin the academic year by selecting a topic with help from their faculty adviser. Topics are then researched and a final draft is submitted before the student prepares for the oral presentation.
The first part of the thesis presentation is an eloquent 20-minute speech delivered from memory. The speech is delivered before panelists, schoolmates, parents, faculty members and guests. Upon completion of the oral presentation, the invited panelists, conversant in the thesis topic, question the student on points that have been raised.
Please take a look at the schedule and plan to come support our seniors in this endeavor—the capstone to a Geneva education.