The Geneva chapter of the National Junior Honor Society held its annual induction of new members at a Logic School Assembly recently. Rising seventh graders Alexandria Bussey, Kenzie Cates, Maggie Chisholm, Walker Cone, Carson Cooper, Linden Crafton, Sam Cress, Cammy Curtis, Bethany De Luna, Josh Dennis, Alex Doran, Ford Elizondo, Philip Gordon, Sofia Griffey, Alex Havranek, Haley Heinen, Lindsay Lee, Nina Moreno, Will Muck, Nick Nowosiwsky, Jake Plesko, Ella Sorrells, Stephen Syamken, Jack Taylor, Kate Travis, and Andrew Viot were welcomed.
The purpose of this organization is to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, to develop character and to encourage good citizenship in the students of Logic School.
The Geneva School chapter of the National Junior Honor Society is led by the eighth grade officers: President Carlie Taylor, Vice President Avery Eggerss, Secretary Abby Bower and Treasurer Mattie Sue Arnold. The faculty adviser is Leslie Taylor.