Cole Davis
The Medieval Feast and Faire is a Geneva fourth-grade highlight as the students make history come to life. Integrated with their study of history, each student portrays a role of serf, monk, nun, chandler, cook, jester, knight, lady in waiting, nobility or royalty from their study of the feudal system and conducts research on the role to present in class. The students portray their roles and dress in costumes before they are presented by the heralds at the Medieval Faire during a weekly Grammar School Assembly.
“The Medieval Feast and Faire is one of the most revered and anticipated days of Grammar School. Students prepare for this day from the beginning of their fourth grade year as they read their history book—Story of the World: The Middle Ages—and literature books—Beowulf, Prince Caspian and King Arthur,” Geneva fourth-grade teacher Tonya Mowery said. “The Feast and Faire celebration is the culmination of the students’ learning which is celebrated by incredibly committed parents who turn the Grammar campus into what feels like a real life Renaissance Festival.”
In addition, the campus is transformed into a Medieval marketplace in which other Grammar students tour to learn about the roles each fourth grader has researched. Fourth graders then enjoy the Medieval Feast, complete with music, elaborately decorated tables, a boar’s head and blackbird pie. The minstrels provide the entertainment, and the students enjoy Medieval activities such as sword fighting and archery. This day has become a beloved annual tradition of Geneva fourth graders.