What is the most influential book you have read besides the Bible? Why?
The most influential book I read was The Screwtape Letters by C.S Lewis. It was such an interesting depiction of how demons look at God through their eyes, and how even THEY acknowledge Gods power and authority. Along with this, it just encouraged me to look at things such as religion in different perspectives.
What is your favorite or funniest moment at Geneva?
I have a lot of funny moments (thanks to Chamber Orchestra), but the first one that comes to mind was in orchestra class when I was a freshman. Gracie Doan and I were practicing in one of the practice rooms. She left her coffee by her chair, and Nicolas Siller accidentally knocked it over on the TILE floor. Instead of cleaning it up right away, he insisted on letting it “soak for three minutes”. We started laughing so hard because he was so adamant on letting it soak rather than just use the paper towel to clean it up!
What will you miss most when you leave Geneva?
I will miss the deep and connective talks I get to have with the teachers. I love being able to talk to the ones I’m close with and know they’ll have my back.
Who influenced you most while at Geneva? How?
100% Mrs. Sara Gachupin. Starting freshman year, I was kind of rebellious with the thought of being in Orchestra or even pursuing the violin in any way professionally. But her attitude, along with her love for music and teaching it, left such an amazing impression on me. I am inspired to be just like her, hoping that in the future I will leave the same impact on other people.
What does being a Geneva student mean to you?
Being a Geneva student means to put your all in everything, no matter what. Also, its finding and spending time in the right things, and pursuing what God has in store for you.
How would you encourage a Geneva kindergartner to persevere in school?
I would encourage them to set good habits in how you treat school now. If you treat it like it’s not important, its gonna be really hard to value it in the future. Instead, focus on the fact that you get to spend the day with your friends and learn together. Along with this, I would always encourage them to be open and honest with their teachers. It took me quite a while to understand that they are there to help you, not make things harder.
What about Geneva do you hope never changes?
In all honesty, the difficulty that is Geneva. Knowing that I must put my best foot forward to achieve the best results I can, rather than being able to get that with little to no effort, is great training for essentially life. The fact that Geneva makes me do hard things, it prepares me for harder things in the future.