What is the most influential book you have read besides the Bible? Why?
The Giver by Lois Lowry influenced me the most because it shows the value of balance between the good and bad in life.
What is your favorite or funniest moment at Geneva?
Playing kickball and baseball during recess with my dad in Grammar School was one of my favorite memories at Geneva.
What will you miss most when you leave Geneva?
I will miss all my classmates when I leave Geneva because they have been a part of my life for so long.
Who influenced you most while at Geneva? How?
Mr. Odom has probably influenced me the most at Geneva by being a great role model over all the years I have had him as a teacher.
What does being a Geneva student mean to you?
I think being a Geneva student means to be a student learning about God and the world through a classical and Christian mindset.
How would you encourage a Geneva kindergartner to persevere in school?
I would encourage a kindergartener to not give up and lean on God for strength to persevere through the tough times.
What about Geneva do you hope never changes?
I hope A.I.M. never changes at Geneva because I love bonding with the Grammar school students.