The Geneva School of Boerne holds its annual Eighth Grade Oratory Contest which is a highlight of the Logic School experience. The competition began in 2007 and has continued each year. Eighth graders memorize a historic speech or poem and deliver prepared recitations before a panel of judges. The Oratory Contest is a precursor to the Senior Thesis which students prepare and present at the culmination of their Geneva education.
Geneva eighth graders spent several weeks memorizing and honing verbal and non-verbal elements of a historical speech or poem before presenting to an audience of peers, parents, faculty and judges in the preliminary round. The top 10 speakers advanced to the final round of competition which was held on March 3 in Geneva’s Lyceum.
First place was awarded to Lucas Lozada for his delivery of The Hypocrisy of American Slavery given by Frederick Douglas on July 4, 1852 in Rochester, New York. Angelina Dacy finished in second place with her recitation of the poem Casey at the Bat by Earnest Thayer. Levi McPherson earned third place for his delivery of Citizenship of a Republic given by Theodore Roosevelt on April 23, 1910 at the Sorbonne in Paris, France. Other finalists included Huntley Allen, AnnaClaire Bussey, Aiden Hatfield, Katelyn Lindquist, Mark Luffy, Quinn Malkowski and Ruby Svendsen.
“Our Geneva Logic school seeks to develop students’ ability to think and reason while they examine great words spoken throughout history. In doing so, they discover God’s wisdom, truth and beauty and establish a Christ-centered worldview. During eighth-grade oratory, students accept the challenge to memorize and recite these words with passion, integrity and excellence. Oratory develops their rhetorical skills and increases their fortitude and confidence. We help cultivate the student’s God-given talents with the hope that they will use them for His glory and become leaders for Christ’s cause who seek to make a difference in the world,” Logic School Instructor Janicea Oliver said.