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Seniors at Geneva School of Boerne write and defend a thesis as the last step toward graduation. The senior thesis is a dissertation in which the student advances an original point of view, typically on a controversial topic. Seniors begin the academic year by selecting a topic with help from their faculty advisor. Topics are researched, and a final draft is submitted before the student prepares for the oral presentation.

The first part of the thesis presentation is an eloquent 20-minute speech delivered from memory. The speech is given before expert panelists, schoolmates, parents, faculty members and guests. Upon completion of the oral presentation, the invited panelists, alongside a faculty member, question the student on points they have raised. This is an opportunity for the students to demonstrate depth of knowledge on their topics along with the ability to make practical applications.

This year, the 47 seniors presented and defended their theses, and Cammy Curtis was recognized as the 2024 winner of the G.K. Chesterton Award for the best overall senior thesis presentation for her thesis titled, “Anything You Can Do I Can’t Do Better: Why Christians Should Reject Feminist Theology.” Other G.K. Chesterton Finalists were Alexandria Bussey, Kenzie Cates, Walker Cone, Gracie Doan, Alexandra Doran, Hailey Kirchner, Lindsay Lee, William Muck, Keaton Shindler, Ella Sorrells and Kate Travis.