Alumni Spotlight: Emily Riedlinger

Please give a current update on yourself (college/graduation year, major, grad school, work/career, family, other interests, service or hobbies). I graduated from Geneva in 2014, then attended Sewanee: the University of the South in Tennessee. I graduated in 2018 with a B.A. in Philosophy. Currently, I’m 28 and living in San Antonio where I teach…

Alumni Spotlight: Will Langenbahn

Please give a current update on yourself (college/graduation year, major, grad school, work/career, family, other interests, service or hobbies). After graduating from Geneva in 2018, I attended Texas A&M University and bagged groceries, coached football, and studied Finance and Management through Mays Business School. A few weeks after graduation, I married the love of my…

Alumni Spotlight: Corley (Petrie) Garcia

Please give a current update on yourself (college/graduation year, major, grad school, work/career, family, other interests, service or hobbies). I graduated this spring from Texas A&M University’s Professional Program of Accounting, which enabled me to earn both a B.S. and an M.S. in Accounting within four years. After graduation, I moved to Fort Worth and…

Alumni Spotlight: Carissa Georgelos

Please give a current update on yourself (college/graduation year, major, grad school, work/career, family, other interests, service or hobbies). After graduating from Geneva in 2018, I attended the University of Texas at Austin and graduated with a B.S. in Advertising and a Bachelor of Journalism in 2022. As part of a creative tract within the…

Alumni Spotlight: Whitney Young Groves

Please give a current update on yourself (college/graduation year, major, grad school, work/career, family, other interests, service or hobbies). Graduated Pepperdine University in 2017 with a major in Public Relations and minors in Spanish and Nonprofit Management Following undergrad, I accepted a job with World Vision’s US Government Relations and Advocacy team. Over the course…

Alumni Spotlight: Anson Eggerss

Please give a current update on yourself (college/graduation year, major, grad school, work/career, family, other interests, service or hobbies).  I am currently living in Nashville, Tennessee and playing keys full-time for an artist named Stephen Sanchez! We did a full U.S. tour this past spring and are heading out for another this fall. This year,…

Alumni Spotlight: Ethan Ryden

Please give a current update on yourself (college/ graduation year, major, grad school, work/ career, family, other interests, services, or hobbies). I graduated Geneva in 2015, and attended the UT School of Architecture, graduating in 2020. I’ve hopped around a bit for work, spending time in Montana and Portland during my undergrad and in Colorado…

Chaz Garcia

Please give a current update on yourself (college/ graduation year, major, grad school, work/ career, family, other interests, services, or hobbies). I am a Political Science major at Texas A&M University, where I plan to graduate Spring of 2024. I am a member of the Corps of Cadets and Army ROTC and part of the…