Faculty and Staff Prep for New Year

Geneva held its annual in-service for faculty and staff to prepare for the new school year which begins on Tuesday, September 8 with on-campus instruction. The approximately 150 school employees gathered on the football field for a time of welcome, vision casting and prayer before going to classrooms and offices for training via Zoom. Geneva…

Alumni Spotlight 2017-18 Quarter 3: Allie Biedenharn

Please give a current update on yourself (college/graduation year, major, work/career, family, other interests, service or hobbies). I graduated from Texas A&M in 2015 and studied Natural Resource Management and Spatial Sciences (GIS—Geographic Information System, remote sensing, digital cartography). I have been working at the East Foundation, a wildlife organization that focuses on wildlife research…

What Matters Most

by Dr. Tonya Christal, Geneva School of Boerne Board of Trustees Member In the Grammar School classrooms as each school year winds down, the children’s eyes sparkle as they draw close to their teachers, each leaning in with anticipation to receive their Character Trait Award. Parents and grandparents pack the perimeters of the room to…

Why Children Need to See, Think and Wonder

by Jessica Gombert, Geneva School of Boerne Grammar School Headmaster “The world will never starve for want of wonders; but only for want of wonder.” – G.K. Chesterton Opportunities to think and wonder about the things we observe is important in the development of students. Therefore, one of the goals at Geneva School of Boerne…

Why Classical Makes Your Heart Sing

Why classical makes your heart sing by Brad Ryden, Geneva School of Boerne Head of School   Geneva School is known for many things: a tight knit community of parents, great students, successful arts and athletics programs, high SAT scores, etc. The feature that sets us apart from other schools is our combining a Christian…