Hoops for Heartland Success!

The varsity basketball teams hosted Hoops for Heartland for the fifth straight year to benefit Heartland Children’s Home in Boerne. Geneva senior Aisling Ayers planned this event and reported that more than $5,100 was raised to help Heartland in its mission to foster, love and care for medically fragile children who suffer from complications of…


Good Citizen Awarded

Geneva eighth grade student Hayden Allen was awarded the Daughters of the American Revolution Citizenship Essay Award. Hayden earned this honor through an essay contest open to all eighth grade students in Kendall County. His essay titled “The Five Qualities of Good Citizenship” was selected as the winner of the contest that is intended to…


Eagles Football Players Earn End-of-Season Awards

Congratulations to these Geneva players who earned TAPPS End-of-Season Awards for Division III Football: ALL-DISTRICT First Team Scott Standerfer – Defensive Lineman Daniel Grover – Defensive Lineman William Cone – Defensive Lineman Joshua Lopez – Defensive Linebacker Joseph Hohne – Defensive Linebacker Matthew Schroder – Defensive Linebacker Ethan Houser – Defensive Secondary, Offensive Receiver Joel…


Eagles Football is State-Bound!

Eagles Football is set to play Ft. Worth Willow Park Trinity Christian Academy in the TAPPS Division III State Football Championship on Friday, December 7 at 12pm at Midway High School Stadium in Waco (800 N. Hewitt Drive  Hewitt, TX 76643).  Geneva will be the HOME team and Eagles fans should where NAVY. Ticket prices are $10 for…


Students Set to Perform in Region 29 Orchestra

Two Geneva orchestra students have qualified for the Region 29 Orchestra through the Texas Music Educators Association. Freshman Nicolas Siller made the T.M.E.A. Region 29 High School Concert Orchestra and seventh grade student Andrew Viot qualified for the T.M.E.A. Region 29 Middle School Philharmonic Orchestra. Nicolas will perform with other high school orchestra students from Region 29…
