Geneva Musicians Excel in State Contests

Geneva orchestra and classical guitar musicians recently earned a TAPPS Division II Orchestra State Championship for the second straight year. This is a combination of Solo, Ensemble and Large Ensembles. Orchestra and Classical Guitar contributed points toward the 225 points earned by Geneva that helped achieve this honor. Directors are Sarah Gachupin (string orchestra) and…


Senior Thesis Presentations Underway

The Senior Thesis Presentations began today and will continue through next week in the school’s Lyceum. Click here for the 2019 Senior Thesis Presentation Schedule. For the first time, a Geneva faculty member gave a thesis presentation. Mrs. Hillary Short, Director of the Senior Thesis Program, kicked off the week when she delivered her own presentation…


Students Earn National Latin Awards

Geneva Latin students in sixth through twelfth grades recently received results from taking the 2019 National Latin Exam. This annual exam is sponsored by the American Classical League and the National Junior Classical League and is given to Latin students all across the world each year to provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate their…


Senior Theses Begin Monday, May 6

We hope you can join us for some or all of the Senior Thesis Presentations in the school’s Lyceum beginning on Monday, May 6. Click here for the 2019 Senior Thesis Presentation Schedule. The senior thesis is a dissertation in which the student advances an original point of view, typically on a controversial topic. Seniors begin…


Eagles Awarded at VASE State Art Contest

    Geneva artists, freshman Gwyneth Lewellyn and sophomore Jackson Friesenhahn, earned top honors for their pieces at the Texas Art Education Association VASE (Visual Art Scholastic Event) State Art Contest in San Marcos last weekend. Gwyneth, Jackson and sophomore John Henry Friesenhahn were the three Geneva students who qualified for VASE State from among…


Boys Golf Wins State Championship!

The Geneva boys varsity golf team won the TAPPS 4A State Golf Tournament held Monday and Tuesday at Cottonwood Creek Golf Course in Waco. The girls team finished in seventh place. Hayes Hutton was Geneva’s low medalist to finish in third place with a two-day score of 151 (77, 74). Gage Kohler finished in sixth…
