What is the most influential book you have read besides the Bible? Why?

The most influential book I have read at Geneva has been The Giver. It made me thankful for the life that God has allowed us to live. I think about it often, how in that book they are stuck in a society with so much structure and rules and no one to look to. We are lucky people to be living where we are and living for a God like we have. Another extremely influential book was silence. It made me question my faith and ultimately stand stronger in the faith that I already had. It was a gut-wrenching story about Christians dying for their faith, and it makes you so grateful for where we live and that we are able to just worship and spread the word of God freely.

What is your favorite or funniest moment at Geneva?

My favorite/ funniest moment at Geneva was in Mr. Tye’s class when we had a speaking presentation. He let us talk about whatever we felt led to. It was nice to be able to speak openly with my class about something that was important to me. It was also funny because some of the guys had super funny presentations.

What will you miss most when you leave Geneva?

I will miss the tight knit community we have at Geneva when I leave. Knowing everyone at your school definitely has its pros and cons but I think that the pros definitely outweigh. It is nice to walk around the boardwalk and always see a familiar face that you want to talk to. I will miss knowing everyone so well in my class and thoroughly enjoying our time together.

Who has influenced you most while at Geneva, How?

I would have to say that Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Greenlees have influenced me the most while at Geneva. Mrs. Davis has led a Bible study for the last two years with girls in my grade. Her friendship helped me through some of my hardest times. She loves us so deeply and makes it so apparent. Mrs. Greenlees has been influential because she never once gave up on me. There were times when I wanted to quit but she stood by me holding my hand. I will forever be grateful for both of those women.

What does being a Geneva student mean to you?

Being a Geneva student means a lot of things. First and foremost it means that you have faith. Faith in something much bigger then yourself. It means that you are held to such a high standard, which sounds scary but you are never put down if you don’t meet that. You are loved by everyone around you. Being a Geneva student means being able to argue for what you believe in because we have been equipped to do that. It means putting others before yourself because that is how Jesus did it. And it means having goals and expectations for yourself that only you can meet.

How would you encourage a Geneva kindergartner to persevere in school?

Stick with it and never give up. It may seem scary and daunting at times but you have so many people watching you that want you to succeed. And do what you love. Play the sports you want to play. Take the fine art that you want to take. Join the club that you want to join. Try out for that leadership position you’ve been wanting.  Because you don’t want to regret anything when you are done.

What about Geneva do you hope never changes?

I hope that the fellowship and friendship between the faculty and students never changes. When you know that you have people cheering you on it is so much easier to succeed.