Geneva Community Life (GCL) is a parent-led organization that exists to facilitate positive relationships between parents, staff and faculty. The mission of GCL is to connect the Geneva community through fellowship, service and prayer. All Geneva parents are members and all parents are vital and valuable to our community.

Here are some of the ways GCL benefits and blesses our school:

  • Welcomes new families through the Geneva Adoption Program (GAP), in which new families are matched with a veteran family with similarly-aged children. GCL hosts new families at a GAP Dinner in the summer and a GAP Tailgate in the fall to welcome and help assimilate them into the school community.
  • Serves the school community by organizing room moms, grade-level coordinators, house moms and other volunteers, both in and out of the classrooms, as well as planning events such as prayer gatherings, class parties and service projects.
  • Supports the faculty and staff by organizing back-to-school gifts, monthly appreciation luncheons, cash collection for Christmas bonuses, spring appreciation gifts and birthday recognition.
  • Holds two general meetings a year, which will usually feature guest speakers addressing topics of interest to Geneva parents. GCL also hosts Parent-Teacher Coffees in the Logic and Rhetoric Schools, various fellowship coffees throughout the year and an End-of-Year Picnic each May.

GCL hosts EAGLEFEST each fall, which is Geneva’s largest school-wide event. Proceeds from this festival, as well as funds earned from U2 (Used Uniform sales), Ice Cream Fridays and other GCL fundraising events, support GCL’s community-building efforts and extra funds are gifted to the school. These funds have been used to purchase classroom technology, playground improvements, campus beautification and more.


Please email the officers below to find out how you can get more involved in our school community and help GCL fulfill its mission. We would love to have you join us in preserving the legacy of community at Geneva!  #justshowup

2021-2022 GCL Executive Committee:

President: Hally Quitadamo

Secretary: Sara Pickle

Treasurer: Hayley Quinn

Events: Shayne Dunkelberger

Hospitality: Bridget Angerame

GAP: Maggie Belden and Emily Bailey

Prayer Coordinator: Melissa Srp

Grammar School Room Mom Coordinator: Christian Srp

Logic School Grade Level Coordinator: Bethany Lozada

Rhetoric School Grade Level/House Mom Coordinator: Annette Garcia

Grammar School Staff Liaison: Beverly Johnson

Logic and Rhetoric Staff Liaison: Shelly Vaughn