Jake Allen

What is the most influential book you have read besides the Bible? Why? The most influential book I’ve read is The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick. It’s an alternate history novel where the Nazis and Axis powers won World War II. As horrifying as this book is, it made me appreciate all the freedoms…

Seth Bower

What is the most influential book you have read besides the Bible? Why? The most influential book I have read is Silence because it challenged me to think about what I need in order to be willing to spread Christianity to others. What is your favorite or funniest moment at Geneva? My favorite moment at Geneva is when I pulled the fire alarm…

Sam Carraway

What is the most influential book you have read besides the Bible? Why? The most influential book I have read is 1984 because it shows how humanity will need Christianity more than ever leading into the future. What is your favorite or funniest moment at Geneva? My funniest moment at Geneva happened in seventh grade…

Cole Dutton

What is the most influential book you have read besides the Bible? Why? The most influential book that I have read is Silence. This book shows how different Eastern cultures are from our culture. This book showed me different ways of looking at life. What is your favorite or funniest moment at Geneva? My favorite and funniest moment was when I…

Zack Fly

What is the most influential book you have read besides the Bible? Why? Outside of the Bible, Silence is the most influential book I have read. It was an amazing book explaining hardships they went through in order to spread Christianity. Silence is truly remarkable. What is your favorite or funniest moment at Geneva? My favorite moment at Geneva was being in Mr. Christmas. What will you…

Cole Fritcher

What is the most influential book you have read besides the Bible? Why? The most influential book series I have read is Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings series. I grew up reading The Lord of the Rings and it has always been a favorite. What is your favorite or funniest moment at Geneva? The Europe trip…

Trevor Higgs

What is my most influential book you have read besides the Bible? Why? The most influential book I have read is Silence, this book shows how blessed we are to live in a country where we can openly be Christian. What is your favorite or funniest moment at Geneva? My favorite memory at Geneva is when Travis was…

Joseph Hohne

What is the most influential book you have read besides the Bible? Why? The Lord of the Rings was the most influential to me because it showed there is temptation along the way but by resisting and persevering, you can reach your goals. What is your favorite or funniest moment at Geneva? The funniest moment…

Cameron Kidd

What is the most influential book you have read besides the Bible? Why? I want to say The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky has been the most influential book that I have read. However, A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness may be the most beautiful book. It teaches so much about grief, and it shows an inherent beauty in…

Josh Lopez

5What is the most influential book you have read besides the Bible? Why? The most influential book I have read is from my junior year, the book Silence. Silence showed me how to put myself in a position to be able to hear from God when he speaks and how to realize that His plan may not look the way I…