What is the most influential book you have read besides the Bible? Why? The most influential book I’ve read is The Chronicles of Narnia series because it changed the way I view Christianity and live my life. What is your favorite or funniest moment at Geneva? My favorite moment at Geneva is any basketball trip…


Geneva Flowers the Cross

Geneva held its annual Flowering of the Cross Assembly in which the entire school community had the opportunity to add a flower to the wooden cross as they reflected on Jesus Christ’s life, death and resurrection. By adding these flowers, the bare wooden cross was transformed into a beautifully-fragrant cross, signifying the life, beauty and…


Geneva Students Love their Neighbors

Geneva School of Boerne Grammar students, faculty and parents mobilized across Boerne for the school’s annual “Love Thy Neighbor Day.” This day, in honor of Valentine’s Day, is celebrated each year by Geneva’s Grammar School to encourage students to be other-focused and show Christ’s love to the Boerne community. Students visited city and county officials, police,…



What is the most influential book you have read besides the Bible? Why? The most influential book I read, besides the Bible of course, has to be Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortlund. Gentle and Lowly taught me how valuable having a personal relationship with Christ is. It showed me that God is someone I…



What is the most influential book you have read besides the Bible? Why? Dante’s Inferno is the most influential book I have read at Geneva because it talks about all the sins and the grueling things that happen to you when you act with those sins. What is your favorite or funniest moment at Geneva?…
