The Geneva Magazine Wins Gold!

The Geneva magazine staff won a Gold Crown Award through the Columbia Scholastic Press Association for its work on the 2017-18 Geneva Quarterly magazine. This is the second year in a row that the staff earned this prestigious national honor and distinction in high school journalism. There were 1,181 publications from across the United States submitted…


Fine Arts Brings Shakespeare to Life

The Geneva Fine Arts Department presented “Shakespeare on the Green” last weekend in three different showings on the Geneva stage. The production is a fun, frantic and slightly fractured introduction to five of Shakespeare’s plays. The five narrations were “Taming of the Shrew,” “King Lear,” “Comedy of Errors,” “Merry Wives of Windsor” and “The Winter’s…


Grammar Students Celebrate Handwriting

Grammar students celebrated National Handwriting Day during the school’s John Hancock Handwriting Awards Assembly. John Hancock is known for his distinctive bold signature on the Declaration of Independence. Students in kindergarten through fifth grade entered the school’s annual competition by submitting a handwritten Bible passage from Isaiah 40:28-31. Teachers submitted the top three handwriting samples from each…
