Senior Theses Begin Monday, May 6

We hope you can join us for some or all of the Senior Thesis Presentations in the school’s Lyceum beginning on Monday, May 6. Click here for the 2019 Senior Thesis Presentation Schedule. The senior thesis is a dissertation in which the student advances an original point of view, typically on a controversial topic. Seniors begin…


Eagles Awarded at VASE State Art Contest

    Geneva artists, freshman Gwyneth Lewellyn and sophomore Jackson Friesenhahn, earned top honors for their pieces at the Texas Art Education Association VASE (Visual Art Scholastic Event) State Art Contest in San Marcos last weekend. Gwyneth, Jackson and sophomore John Henry Friesenhahn were the three Geneva students who qualified for VASE State from among…


Senior Signs with ACU Track & Field

Geneva senior Amy Ambelang signed on Monday, April 29 to compete on the track and field team at Abilene Christian University. She was surrounded her family, coaches, administrators and many friends. Abilene Christian University is a NCAA Division I member of the Southland Conference. Pictured at left: Front row, from left: Bryant, Amy, Mary and Brock Ambelang.…
