Eagles Spring Athletes Honored

Geneva spring sports individual varsity athletes were honored with TAPPS 4A End-of-Season Awards at the district and state level. Here is a complete listing: Varsity Baseball Coaches: Michael Reyes, Regan Stringfellow and Sebastian Sanchez All-District First Team Grey Herlihy Ethan Houser Easton Myrick Second Team McLain Brock Connor Schaefer Hayden Stringfellow Academic All-State* Ethan Houser…


Students Honored with Eagle Award

Geneva recognizes the most outstanding Logic School students each school year with the Eagle Award. Eighth-grade students Juliana Flores and Austin Malkowski were selected by the Logic School faculty and given the esteemed 2019 Eagle Award by Logic School Headmaster Jeff Jones at the school’s Closing Assembly. An eagle statuette was given to these students…


Aquila Award Given to Top Seniors

Geneva recognizes the most outstanding high school students each school year. The Aquila Award recognizes the male and female student who best represent the goals and ideals of Geneva School. Seniors Gabi Griffey and Nathan Young were selected by the Rhetoric School faculty and given the esteemed Aquila Award (“Aquila” is Latin for “eagle”) by…


Outstanding Teachers Awarded

Geneva recognizes the most outstanding teachers of the year with the Paideia Award. This year, Rhetoric School teacher Luis Arizpe, Logic School teacher Stephanie Wilson and Grammar School second grade teacher Susan Naiser were selected by their peers to receive this esteemed award. The Paideia Award is made possible in part by Texas Heritage Bank.…


New NJHS Members Inducted

The Geneva chapter of the National Junior Honor Society held its annual induction of new members at a Logic School Assembly recently. Rising seventh graders Alexandria Bussey, Kenzie Cates, Maggie Chisholm, Walker Cone, Carson Cooper, Linden Crafton, Sam Cress, Cammy Curtis, Bethany De Luna, Josh Dennis, Alex Doran, Ford Elizondo, Philip Gordon, Sofia Griffey, Alex…
