Jacob Dishongh

What is the most influential book you have read besides the Bible? Why? Mere Christianity is the most influential book I have read at Geneva. It addressed many of my misconceptions about Christianity and strengthened my overall faith.  What is your favorite or funniest moment at Geneva? Mr. Johnson is one of my favorite teachers,…


Maggie Carraway

What is the most influential book you have read besides the Bible? Why? The most influential book I’ve read other than the Bible, would have to be The Republic by Plato. The discussions throughout the book changed my views on justice and happiness in general. What is your favorite or funniest moment at Geneva? My…


Lindsie Baggs

What is the most influential book you have read besides the Bible? Why? I enjoyed reading “Silence” because it helped me realize how lucky I am to be able to freely worship God without fear of punishment. What is your favorite or funniest moment at Geneva? My favorite moment at Geneva was when my sister…
