Geneva’s G.K. Chesterton Award

Seniors at Geneva School of Boerne write and defend a thesis as the last step toward graduation. The senior thesis is a dissertation in which the student advances an original point of view, typically on a controversial topic. Seniors begin the academic year by selecting a topic with help from their faculty adviser. Topics are then researched and a…


Geneva Awards Teachers of the Year

Geneva School of Boerne recognizes the most outstanding teachers of the year with the Paideia Award. (“Paideia” is Greek for “education”). This award is made possible in part thanks to Texas Heritage Bank. This year, Rhetoric School teacher Debbie Wheeler, Logic School teacher Tony Moninski and Grammar School science teacher Vanessa Petty were selected by their peers…


Geneva Student Receives DAR Award

Geneva School of Boerne senior Nicolas Siller received the Good Citizen Award from the George R. Kendall Chapter of the National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution. He was selected for his qualities of dependability, service, leadership and patriotism and received a $1,000 scholarship as well as a Good Citizen pin. Only one senior…
